Bracing Burnout? Four Tips to Return Your Hope

You have that uncomfortable, depressing burnout feeling, right? It can be devastating. All you wanted to do was achieve. You set your ambitions, you laced those bootstraps, and you kept climbing up.

Then, the experience stopped being exhilarating along the way. Far too many people suffer from the same sensation or lack thereof. The answer to your crisis, hence, already exists and is within reach with an open mind and resilient spirit.


Drop what you’re doing. That’s right: quit spinning your wheels post haste and take a break already. You will need time away from the rigor of a full-time work schedule to relieve the intensity of the burnout. If you qualify for a leave of absence, take one.

Learn more about the Family Medical Leave Act, which requires employers to hold an employee’s job if they are incapacitated by illness. Clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder are both permitted illnesses. Solicit help from your support team, whether family and friends or even coworkers, who will advocate on your behalf to obtain a stoppage of work and a way to maintain your income in the meantime.

Once you’ve rearranged your schedule, find a new Nissan for sale and take an adventurous road trip alone or with like-minded people.


Now that the hamster wheel has stopped for a second, it is time to start listening to yourself. Your triggers for past trauma can present at any moment. Can you remember the moments you were in the most distress? What happened and who was involved?

Your boss’s manipulation may remind you of an abusive parent or ritual teasing from your coworker may remind you of the bullies you faced in middle school. Trauma lives in our bodies, and it is hard to let go of without facing them head-on. This will not be a one-time event.

Considering your triggers will help you to make new life goals for improving yourself therapeutically. By establishing a new mission for your life, you can regain control of your mood and capabilities.


While you return to old traumas, you will notice bodily changes including irritability, restlessness, stomach troubles, and fatigue. As you are learning to cope in a healthy way, some tools can quickly bring you out of distress and be able to manage your symptoms.

These devices include:

  • Mindful meditation and grounding techniques
  • Ice packs applied to the wrists and over the eyes
  • Drinking cold water

Making a plan for when distressing times come will help you to get by when the inevitable triggers show themselves.


Because we learn so infrequently about self-care, you may be unaware that it is the ticket to keeping us away from the illnesses derived from overwhelming stress. Self-care looks like making dental and physician’s appointments regularly. It is in our nature walks and in the affirmations we speak over ourselves. Positive self-talk is another means to care for yourself and a simple one.

Furthermore, setting boundaries with abusive or negligent relatives or colleagues is a huge ode to self and is integral to growth and success.
