A bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN) can put you in good stead for a range of job roles. Not only will it get the ball rolling for a career in nursing, but it can open up your prospects in industries such as law, education and information technology. A BSN can even help you achieve a successful second career and allow you the flexibility of working from home. With so many ways to put a BSN to good use, now is a great time to achieve accreditation. Here are a few fulfilling, and lucrative, career choices for people with a BSN degree.
Registered Nurse
A registered nurse offers direct care to patients and provides assistance to physicians during medical procedures. They can offer advice and counsel to family members, and the job profile can also include administering medication and operating medical equipment. There is a growing demand for registered nurses and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the U.S there are around 2.7 million registered nurses. The average median pay for a registered nurse is $75,330 per year. To become a registered nurse, one must graduate from an accredited program which could include years of study. A bachelor’s degree in nursing takes four years to complete while an associate degree takes two years. However, if you have already achieved a bachelor’s degree in a different field of study, some universities offer a distance Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN).
Nursing as a Second Career
Some educational institutes, such as Elmhurst University, provide accelerated bsn online programs for people who want to make the switch to nursing as a second career. This gives graduates the advantage of using the credit for the undergraduate work they have already undertaken while studying for another degree in a shorter amount of time than usual. The accelerated process takes just 16 months and students can pursue the degree without having to physically attend lectures. Due to the competitive nature of nursing, those who wish to get into this field as a second career, completing a distance ABSN is a very practical option.
Unconventional Patient Care Roles
Statistics show that around 58 percent of registered nurses in the United States work in surgical and general medical hospitals. However, that does not mean you have to go down this route. There are plenty of non-traditional roles to explore that are just as rewarding as a conventional bedside role. Other careers include nursing in the military, at a school or as a flight nurse. A nutritionist nurse is a suitable option for those who have an interest in wellness and diet. Part of the job can include crafting wellness programs for athletes or fitness-related organizations and helping people achieve weight goals. A public health nurse is very similar to the traditional nursing role within a hospital setting, except they focus on community care. The job role revolves around the implementation of health programs in a community and educating and promoting wellbeing to a group of people.
If education is your thing, then obtaining BSN accreditation can help you become a nurse educator. With a high demand for registered nurses, there is an increasing demand for qualified professionals to train them too. With a BSN degree you can take a role within a nursing school or in a clinical setting. However, a higher level educator may require an additional qualification, such as a master of science in nursing (MSN).
Healthcare Specialist in Information Technology
For those with an aptitude for information technology and a passion for healthcare, you can combine the two and become a healthcare specialist in IT such as an informatics nurse. Within this type of job role, you can create and implement new technology to support workflow and enhance patient care. In addition, they are in charge of systems preparations, user support and training, and can help with costly cybersecurity issues such as data breaches. Nursing informatics specialists can expect to earn a median salary of $88,740 per year.
Legal Nursing Consultant
With a BSN degree you can dabble in the legal field as a legal nursing consultant. The role involves working with a legal team and delving into insurance fraud, compensation claims, medical malpractice and other legal and healthcare processes. A consultant role offers the flexibility of an open schedule. This means you can pick and choose the type of jobs you want to work on and the organizations you wish to work for.
Work for a Pharmaceutical Company
A career change to the pharmaceutical field can be one of the most lucrative moves people with a nursing degree can make. Large pharmaceutical organizations hire specialist consultants with knowledge in nursing and pharmaceuticals.
Insurance Firms
Another money-making industry to work in is insurance. Within this field if you have a BSN, you can combine the traditional clinical role with non-clinical duties. As an example, a nurse life care planner (NLCP) creates lifetime care plans for people who are chronically or terminally ill. Another insurance-related nursing role is a quality management nurse consultant. They look into medical and healthcare insurance claims, perform medical coding and audits, and help insurance firms remain compliant with policies and regulations.
Management and Leadership Roles
For people who are already successful in their field, a BSN can help them climb the career ladder and achieve a higher position. A nursing degree can help you attain management and leadership roles in a number of settings. These can include director of nursing (DON), chief nursing officer (CNO) and nurse manager. In addition, a BSN can help further a career in administration. Nurse administrator roles involve HR, planning and budgeting within a skilled nurse setting.
For academics who are interested in scientific research, a BSN can help you become a nursing researcher. A nursing researcher role entails creating and implementing scientific studies within the healthcare industry in order to improve quality. People with a nursing degree can work with research relating to medicine, nutrition and pharmacy.